The article stated that: "Thirty-some lawyers might strike you as too small a group for a firm to expand internationally in any significant way. That's not stopping Coral Gables, Fla. based Zumpano, Patricios & Winker. The firm has three offices in Florida and a growing number of representative offices around the world. The firm currently has a presence in San Jose, Costa Rica; Freeport & Nassau, Bahamas; Mexico City, Mexico; Madrid, Spain; Panama City, Panama; and opened most recently in Milan, Italy. Managing partner Joseph Zumpano says his firm follows the "stream of commerce" to set up shop in hot spots around South America and Europe. The idea of opening an office in a country that is an origin of significant immigration to the United States, or a major source of imports, isn't a new one, but Zumpano Patricios & Winker's approach may be. Rather than opening offices in foreign countries, they affiliate exclusively with small, local law firms, creating an office within the foreign firm's facilities. Zumpano says it helps to keep from alienating the local legal community that isn't looking for extra competition from North America lawyers."
Agenda: Global Expansion - Q&A with Joseph Zumpano, American Lawyer Magazine
Updated: Aug 21, 2018